
Romix Toys aims to produce hand-made toys, accessories and souvenirs based on graphic novels and comic books created by the Romix-Community Comics brand. Establishing itself under a social entrepreneurship type of business, Romix Toys seeks to bring forth social and environmental impact through a growing community of eco-friendly clients and innovation. Romix aims to utilize the idea of edutaining, a combination of education and entertaining in producing handmade toys, dolls and puzzles of various kind.


Custom Toys

Select your favorite character.
Upload your drawing.
Turn yourself into a doll.

        Social Impact:

        • Employment opportunities for marginalized groups
        • Education on various topics and entertaining of children with toys and games that impact positively their childhood, enhance intelligence and imagination.
        • Variety of edutaining themes for kids in environment, social and cultural topics.
        • More interaction between parents/adults with children.


        • The difference from other existing solutions - interesting edition of toys based on famous and inspiring characters or role models.
        • Self-designed, unique and personalized toys. such as a virtual community of parents that can exchange parental experiences and stories with each other.
        • Innovation in product and customer engagement – The customers can resell Romix handmade toys or exchange, and even repair and offer them for donation campaigns them in our store.

        Direct impact on the local community

        • Employment of women or girls from marginalized groups at the Administrative Unit. 11 in Tirana
        • There will be other indirect employment as well such as small second-hand traders

        Environmental impact

        • The idea advances in environmental protection such as promotion of recycling – reduction of textile materials prone to extermination in landfills or dumps through circular economy (in the long-run perspective).
        • In the future – utilization of renewable energy.