Romix Community Comics is envisaged as a space of fiction and non-fiction stories of various genres of themes. The central themes of non-fiction stories are human rights, forced evictions, and multiculturalism. Fiction stories bring to the audience amazing storytelling of legendary local heroes of Balkan Peninsula. Whereas, comical and satire stories seek to tackle and comment on human being virtues and vices.

Romix hallmark is the community level, communities of many genres, and multiculturalism. In terms of non-fiction stories, the central theme is forced evictions and the consultation process that has to take place before any actions similar or equivalent to force evictions. It promotes human rights, and criticize violation of them by hate speech, discrimination, or hate crimes.

Whereas, fiction brings to the audience amazing stories of heroes, in a plight to protect their communities against forces of darkness that have embedded in them all sorts of maleficent vices. Thirsty of power and bloodshed, they have to confront first noble figures who believe in justice and human rights.

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