Regional Network for Cultural Diversity (READ) is a four-year regional cultural project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Goethe-Institut Skopje together with the partner organizations: Center for Balkan Cooperation – Loja (North Macedonia), Instituti I Librit dhe i Promocionit (Albania), Kalem Culture Association (Turkey), Krokodil (Serbia), Qendra Multimedia (Kosovo). READ contributes to reconciliation and intercultural tolerance by opening new channels of communication from the independent cultural societies, offering them networking opportunities away from the political stage. These opportunities facilitate the exchange of experiences through joint projects, public events and campaigns. They promote diverse cultural initiatives and provide space for the presentation of the work of smaller grassroots initiatives in the regional arena. The project aims to promote intercultural reading skills and democratic values through reading culture and the handling of supra-regional high-quality literary works.

About the Project

Aldo is an illustrated book that aims to promote the human rights and multiculturalism of Roma people in the Western Balkans and Turkey in English, Turkish and Romani language. The Regional Network for Cultural Diversity (READ) supports it.


in recognition of the distinguished participation in the Intercultural Achievement Award 2021.


  • Translation of the illustrated book for children (initially described as a comic book) from Albanian to Turkish language. Publication on the website of the Roma Versitas Albania and Romix Community Comics and sharing to partner organizations at the national and regional level.
  • Transition of the illustrated book for children (initially described as a comic book) into an audio book in Romani language.
  • Dissemination of information regarding the illustrated book and project's mission and objective in the form of a newsletter to partner organizations.
  • Dissemination of information on a radio talk show in the Albanian Public Radio and Television.
  • Dissemination of the information about the project and the illustrated book: Aldo, during a study visit of young Roma and non-Roma professionals at Romix Community Comics studio.
  • Promoted the project on an international competition of International Achievement Awards supported by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria European and International Affairs.

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Promotion activities


At the Romix Community Comics and Toys studio introducing the project and the illustrated book for kids: Aldo to young Roma and non Roma students in Vocational Education Training Schools.


They were role-playing the voices of the main characters from the illustrated book in the Romani language. From left to right, the main character Aldo, Grandpa Kujtim, Moza and Niku.
